We Never Use Palm Oil
We believe doing good tastes better so we don't use palm oil in any of our natural butters or our ranges of fruit spreads, cooking sauces or home baking essentials.
We are the first, and only, UK nut butter brand to achieve Palm Oil Free certification from POFCAP. We have gained accreditation for all of our products and will ensure all future products are accredited.
We simply don't believe that you need to use palm oil to create delicious natural nut butters. So we don't, ever!

Our decision to certify is to help remove any confusion for you. Most nut butters sold in the UK still contain palm oil or palm oil derivatives with many not even clearly labelled (palm oil is sometimes used in stabilisers like E471).
Even some products which claim 'sustainable' palm oil may have used purchased credits rather than actually containing sustainably sourced ingredients.
Certifying means every ingredient in our products has been thoroughly researched and tested as both palm oil and palm oil derivative free, making choice and identification easier for you when purchasing palm oil free products.

Did you know there are over 1,000 alternative names* for palm oil? Many are not even clearly labelled which makes it harder to shop palm oil free products. That’s why we are proudly Certified Palm Oil Free by POFCAP to remove any confusion for you, making choice and identification easier when shopping palm oil free.
*Some of the names listed may also be derived from other oils. Further checks with ingredient manufacturers is recommended to ensure that ingredients are NOT derived from palm oil.